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Your Consultants:

Are you a real Leader?

Many executives feel and call themselves leaders, but they are not!


Many people want to be leaders, ... because sounds successful, ... sounds higher, further, faster, ... and puts one on the level or at least in one's own imagination on the level near Elon Musk, Steve Jobs etc.!?


According to Harvard professor John P. Kotter as well as recognised practice, leadership is understood to be thinking and acting characterised by visions directed towards the future and pursued against resistance from within and without. Leadership means inspiring people with visions, uniting and motivating like-minded people. Leadership aims to achieve creativity, innovation, fulfilment and change.


In addition to the leaders, there are, in comparison, managers, who are more managers of areas, departments or functions and are thus primarily responsible for the perfect organisation of processes, planning and controlling.


The required competencies are just as different. While managers often have strong organisational and functional skills, leaders should have visionary, charismatic, empathic and inspiring skills to "carry human beings along" in the spirit of the vision.


A common mistake is to believe that a company only needs leaders as executives.


Just because "leadership" sounds so good, there is no better or worse. A functioning and healthy organisation needs leader-executives and manager-executives!

Leadership provides more vision & change.

Management provides more structures & continuity.


It is crucial for a resilient, sustainable company that both executive types (managers & leaders) are present in the required numbers and that they value each other!


A key to success is that, depending on the sector, the size of the company and its legal form, a visionary leadership that engages people in a new direction as well as a management that structures and creates order in a future-oriented way go hand in hand!


When discussing on social media, pay attention how wildly the terms executive, manager and leader are thrown around and used as the same thing. This cannot lead to a quality and meaningful result.


Are you a leader-executive or a manager-executive?

How is the C-level resp. the executive team staffed in your company?

Do all executives in your company treat each other with equal respect?

What do your headhunters & consultants at C-level say about this topic?


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Your personal Contact

Thomas Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner


If you have any questions or are looking for qualified support in the business fields HEADHUNTING, BUSINESS CONSULTING & INTERIM MANAGEMENT, HR CONSULTING/DEVELOPMENT or PERSONAL Expert & LEADER BRANDING, just send me a short message with the "Click for more!" button.


For further future-oriented information, thoughts & ideas please feel free to activate the “bell” at the top right of my LinkedIn-Profile.


On LinkedIn, I share about 2 to 3 posts a week on current topics.




Thomas Timothé Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner
* Mandatory Field

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