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Put an end to whining & grumbling!

People differ in how they deal with today's VUCA world, the mega trends, crises, the weather, the future, etc. Some people regard their "problems & worries" as a purely private matter that only concerns them and that they want to deal with alone. Other people, on the other hand, share their "problems & worries" ‒ or what they consider to be such ‒ with those around them: whining & grumbling is an essential part of their life.


Have you learned to whine & grumble since childhood? ...

and developed it into an approach? …

or even to a strategy? …

Because …


another person has exemplified this for you?

that was generally the only way you have received attention & affection?

that was generally the way you have received pity and have been comforted?

that was usually the only way you have received positive uplifting thoughts?

you have often unpleasant tasks taken off from you in this way?

you have often achieved your goals this way?

you ...?

you were usually ... rewarded this way?

you have developed a kind of strategy from this in the course of your life?


Whining & grumbling is waste of energy and has long-term disadvantages because ...


it doesn't change anything,

you put yourself in a victim role,

you focus more on what's not working,

it leads to a reinforcement of negative feelings like helplessness, hopelessness & anger,

you're more likely to feel that you have no control over your life,

you're more likely to have a generally negative attitude towards life,

you're more likely to spoil other people's good moods and “drag them down” with you,

you ...,

it becomes part of your external image.


Only action and the will to change will bring about something for the better!


Whining or grumbling every now & then about certain situations or issues that you don't like can be relieving and make everything a little "easier". However, if you notice that you very often make whining & grumbling the content of conversations, or that you frequently grumble with fate, then you should change this or accept the consequences for your life.


Take a sheet of paper and reflect on today, ... the past week, ... in terms of the frequency of your whining & grumbling! ... and look at your result!

Do you whine & grumble little or rather more often?

How could you reduce the frequency of your whining & grumbling?


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Thomas Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner


If you have any questions or are looking for qualified support in the business fields HEADHUNTING, BUSINESS CONSULTING & INTERIM MANAGEMENT, HR CONSULTING/DEVELOPMENT or PERSONAL Expert & LEADER BRANDING, just send me a short message with the "Click for more!" button.


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On LinkedIn, I share about 2 to 3 posts a week on current topics.




Thomas Timothé Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner
* Mandatory Field

For reasons of better legibility, the simultaneous use of gender-specific language forms is dispensed with.


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