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Your Consultants:



Our uniqueness and our success are based on the following factors to which we are committed.

  • are self-employed business consultants and were themselves real specialists and managers in top positions on the client side,
  • have high-quality specialist degrees and additional qualifications,
  • have extensive professional experience and competence in industries, functions and methods,
  • have many years of consulting experience, a pronounced understanding of problems and a wide range of problem-solving skills,
  • can demonstrate a high quality of verifiable references,
  • are likeable, humorous and authentic people with personal persuasiveness, and
  • with their expertise as well as their individuality, personality and standing, are themselves brands alongside the INSEMACO® brand.

  • Our competencies and quality principles are made up of a multitude of individual competencies of our consultants, our personnel & management consultancy and our group of companies. These include know-how and skills, especially in the areas of industries, functions, methods, technologies, quality standards, corporate culture and team.
  • Our uniqueness lies in the synergies and added value within a business area as well as in the performance of the entire INSEMACO®, INQIMACO® & INSECOGO® group of companies.

  • We are INSEMACO® and provide top-quality branded services in the field of Recruiting & Executive Search. We are true specialists and quality partners with proven competencies and expertise at an excellent level. Through our thinking and acting we are solution, service and value-added partners. Our successes also make us a trusted and career partner for our clients and candidates. Synergies that are self-evident for us include Candidate Experience and Employer Branding.
  • We are an essential part of a high-performance group of companies with the other brands INQIMACO® in the Training & HR Management Consulting business area and INSECOGO® in the Worldwide Search & Executive Consulting business area. With our excellent competencies within each of the three business areas as well as our team-oriented and integrative way of working within our group, we achieve further synergies and added value that give us a real competitive edge.
  • We are united by a strong "We". A "we" that connects us together with our clients and candidates, as a team, internally, within our group of companies and as part of society.
  • Top quality within each of the three business areas, synergies and added value of a high-performance group of companies, as well as the strong "we" feeling that unites us make us unique, innovative and successful. This is the USP of our "we-brand" concept.

Our conduct in terms of professionalism and ethics is based on the professional principles of the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC) and the professional principles of the Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater BDU e.V. (BDU).


Our codes of conduct cover the following topics:


  • Professionalism & Responsibility
    • We only accept consulting assignments if we have the necessary skills, knowledge & time resources.
    • We work on projects on our own responsibility, with the greatest possible professionalism, quality of advice & the goal of the best possible success.
    • Our quality management is oriented towards the current and future requirements of our clients and candidates.
    • Our quality management is based on DIN EN ISO 9001.


  • Integrity, sincerity, trust & truth
    • We conduct ourselves with integrity & sincerity in such a way that we earn the trust of our clients, candidates & colleagues.
    • Honesty, openness and mutual trust are particularly important to us.
    • We disapprove of any form of deception or misleading.
    • We work exclusively with information that is true to the best of our knowledge & belief.


  • Competence, time & cost frame/consciousness
    • We handle consulting assignments with competence, thoroughness, as well as with the appropriate technical, industry and other knowledge.
    • We handle projects with the highest possible adherence to time & cost agreements.


  • Objectivity, assessment quality & independence
    • We work objectively, impartially and take into account all relevant and known information.
    • Our quality of assessment takes into account the professional, personal & cultural fit of a candidate, as well as the mutual interest in cooperation between client & candidate.
    • Our objectivity & neutrality is based on our complete economic & organisational independence.


  • Accuracy & transparency
    • We communicate with clients & candidates in a transparent, comprehensive & timely manner.
    • We encourage all project participants to exchange all relevant & correct information as a basis for optimal decisions.


  • Confidentiality & Discretion
    • We treat all information received from clients & candidates with the utmost confidentiality & secrecy.
    • We obtain references from candidates with the utmost discretion.
    • We follow the regulations of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).


  • Loyalty
    • We are loyal to clients & candidates.
    • We protect our own interests as well as the interests of our clients and candidates during the project execution.


  • Equal opportunities & anti-discrimination
    • We pay attention to equal opportunities for all candidates.
    • We observe the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) and are against discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity.


  • Avoiding conflicts of interest
    • We avoid conflicts of interest between all parties involved in the consulting process, before, during and after the project.
    • We point out potential conflicts of interest to all parties involved in the consulting process.
    • We resolve possible "tensions" through disclosure & clarity, as well as waivers if necessary.


  • Respect towards clients, business partners, market participants, employees & the public
    • We have respect for customers, business partners, market participants, employees & the public.
    • We respect the protection of the rights of third parties and respect their professional and personal reputation.
    • We observe the law against unfair competition (UWG).

  • We offer top quality at an excellent price-performance ratio with comprehensive guarantees.
  • Even before the start of a project, we define tailor-made, clear service packages and our fees, which are based on the expected effort and complexity of a project.
  • We agree our fees according to the individual client's needs, either as a pure fixed fee or pro rata to the annual target salary of the future job holder.
  • Our clients thus receive planning and budget security. 


With our excellent price-performance ratio in terms of target group orientation, quality, time, efficiency and price, we clearly stand out from the competition.


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