The INSEMACO® application process is a holistic approach with 8 defined sub-processes based on best practices and the latest scientific knowledge in the areas of qualified candidate search and selection and personnel consulting. As a matter of principle, we only present top candidates who, based on an interview and an assessment, have the appropriate knowledge and skills and, if necessary, possess special characteristics or qualifications.
We have the ambition to find and win the best and right in one person for a vacancy in the shortest possible time. Our approach – which is customized according to project requirements – is shown in the following process description.

1.1 Per Recruiting 5.0 (Candidate Identity & Approach)
- Media Search with job advertisements, especially on all relevant Internet job platforms.
- Web Search* on target group-specific online platforms and social networks (social media search) on the Internet.
- Direct Search* in networks, internal & external databases, personal contacts etc.
*: with a short presentation of the vacant position and answers to initial questions.
1.2 Per Executive Search (Candidate Identity & Approach)
- Executive Search* in target companies, industries, insiders, recommendations etc.
- Direct Search* in networks, internal & external databases, personal contacts etc.
*: with a short presentation of the vacant position and answers to initial questions.
2.1 In the Recruiting 5.0 Process
- Application (profiles & certificates) of Candidates in response to job advertisements (concrete vacancies by identification number in Media Search)
- Sending of profiles & supporting documents (concrete open vacancies by identification number in Web & Direct Search)
2.2 In the Executive Search Process
- Sending of profiles & evidence (concrete open vacancies by ID number in Executive & Direct Search)
2.3 Direct Contact & Speculative Application
- Direct Contact & Speculative Application (with profiles & proofs) of Candidates for projects in Direct & Executive Search.
*: with input information.
- Plausibility & Suitability Test
- Plausibility of Candidate profiles
- Comparison of Candidate Profiles with position/requirement profile regarding professional & personal suitability, individual career & work experience with successes etc.
- Candidate Experience & Content Management
- Feedback to Candidates
- Obtaining further information on Candidate profiles
- Obtaining further certificates & proof of qualification
- Systematic information revision & documentation
- 1. Selection/Preselection: Interview Candidates
- Structured Telephone, Video Call and/or Personal Interviews with Candidates and individual career advice.
- Wishes, goals & expectations of the Candidates
- Position/requirement profile (activities/tasks, area of responsibility, opportunities & challenges, professional & personal requirements, professional experience, function/position-specific culture, target salary, etc.)
- Client information (business model, company size & characteristics, organizational structure & processes, management structure, market position & differentiation, products/services, corporate culture & goals, economic situation etc.)
- Assessment of the Fit of Candidate profiles with position/requirement profile regarding professional & personal qualifications, individual career & work experience, personality (attitudes & motives), desired income, willingness to change & interest, cultural fit etc.
- Feedback to Candidates
- 2. Selection/Pre-Selection: Top Candidates
- Our recommendations or Candidate presentation to the Client on the basis of confidential Candidate Profiles/Reports
- Presentation in person to the Client (with preparatory information for Candidates)
- Feedback Discussion with Candidates & Clients
- 3. Selection: of target/top Candidates
- Reference talks/review*
- Aptitude diagnostics/assessment*
*: in case of order by the Client.
- Recruitment Support & Closure
- Advice in the decision-making process with clarification of outstanding questions
- Contract conclusion with target Candidate
- Feedback interviews with Candidates & Clients
- Rejection information to presented Candidates
- Integration (onboarding & Candidate coaching*)
- Review (Candidate & Client satisfaction, sustainability, quality assurance & improvement)
*: in case of order by the Client.