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Your Consultants:


INSEMACO® Recruiting & Executive Search Consultants GmbH & Co. KG

Ketzberger Strasse 45

D-42653 Solingen-Gräfrath


Phone: +49 (0)212 2327 40 55

E-mail: imprint@insemaco.com

Internet: www.insemaco.com


Location: Cologne

Local court Cologne: HRA 31786

UID no.: DE267078001


General partner:

INSECOGO® Woldwide Search & Executive Consultants GmbH

Ketzberger Strasse 45

D-42653 Solingen-Gräfrath


Location: Cologne

Local court Cologne: HRB 86609

VAT no.: DE267078003


Managing Director: Thomas Behncke, Dipl.-Kfm.


Responsible for the website


INSEMACO® Recruiting & Executive Search Consultants GmbH & Co. KG

Thomas Behncke, Dipl.-Kfm.

E-mail: thomas.behncke@insemaco.com

Phone: +49 (0)212 2327 40 55


Concept, texts, photographs and realisation


INSEMACO® Recruiting & Executive Search Consultants GmbH & Co. KG

Shutterstock, Inc., New York


Data protection


The security of personal data such as address, telephone number or e-mail as well as the protection of privacy are important to us. Therefore, we operate our website and activities in accordance with the laws on data protection and data security.


We do not collect any personal data via our website without your consent. You alone decide whether or not you wish to provide us with this data, for example in the course of registration, ordering or similar. We will only use, store or process this data to the extent that you, the Federal Data Protection Act and/or supplementary legal regulations allow or require us to do so.


Exclusion of liability and reservation of the right to make changes


INSEMACO® has created its website to the best of its knowledge and belief. No liability or guarantee is accepted for the topicality, correctness and completeness as well as technical accuracy of the data and information provided on the website. Under no circumstances does the information on the website constitute legal or actual assurances. INSEMACO® and/or INSECOGO® shall not be liable for direct or indirect damages arising from the use of the information or data found on this website. In addition, INSEMACO® and/or INSECOGO® shall not be liable for any damage caused - by computer viruses or otherwise - when opening or downloading data from this website. INSEMACO® has the right to make changes, deletions or additions to this website and to the information or data provided at any time without prior notice. All data and information on this website reflect the latest status known to INSEMACO® at the time of publication.


We do not advise you on this website. Accessing our website does not constitute a consulting relationship. No legal claims against INSEMACO® and/or INSECOGO® can be derived from the subject areas described here. Offers are not binding in all parts. No rights or obligations exist between INSEMACO® and the user of the website or third parties. If you would like us to advise you or make use of our services in any other way, please contact us individually.


INSEMACO® is a partnership organisation of legally independent partners. A consulting relationship / contractual relationship is established exclusively between a partner of INSEMACO® and a customer. Consulting relationships / contractual relationships are calculated by the respective partner and agreed directly with the respective customer. Each partner acts exclusively in his own name and on his own account. No partner acts in the name and on account of INSEMACO®. Any liability or guarantee by INSEMACO® for consulting services / contractual services of a partner is excluded.


References and links


By clicking on certain references (hyperlinks) on the INSEMACO® website, you have the option of leaving this website. The content and design of and any changes to the websites linked to the INSEMACO® website are not subject to the control or influence of INSEMACO®. The content of the linked sites is third-party content which we have neither selected nor changed. INSEMACO® therefore excludes any liability for the content of an external website and is also not liable for references contained on these external websites.


Copyright and trademark law


The website and the contents of the website of INSEMACO® Recruiting & Executive Search Consultants GmbH & Co. KG are protected by trademark and/or copyright. All images, graphics, texts, sound, video and animation files on this website are subject to copyright or other laws for the protection of intellectual property. The copyright for content created and published by the author himself remains solely with the author. Storage, duplication, modification, forwarding, publication or use in other electronic media or systems, or such use in printed publications, is not permitted without the express written consent of the owner or author. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies.


INSEMACO® and INSECOGO® are registered, legally protected trademarks.


All rights reserved.


Legal validity


The disclaimer is also to be regarded as part of the Internet offer from which reference was made to this page.


If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.


The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies.


Status: January 10, 2020


For reasons of better legibility, the simultaneous use of gender-specific language forms is dispensed with.


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