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The complexity, dynamics and variety of future-oriented technologies, media, networks and databases, other forums and the combination of these possibilities lead to the question of the efficiency and transparency of many methods in the field of searching and selecting the best and right specialists and managers. Used correctly and combined in a goal-oriented and innovative way, these modern methods increase the success in filling vacancies and led to the development of our AI-supported Recruiting 5.0 with the aim of opening up the market for passive candidates even more deeply by proactively approaching candidates and conveying added value.


Furthermore, this approach very effectively supports our permanent relationship management in active scouring for top candidates, the employer branding of our clients and the Candidate Experience during the consulting process. We work with the most innovative technologies and are 100% responsive for 100% mobile recruiting.


As a matter of principle, we only present top candidates who, based on an interview and an assessment, have the appropriate knowledge and skills and, if necessary, possess special characteristics or qualifications.


We have the ambition to find the best and right in one person.


If you have questions or are looking for qualified support, just send a short message with the following "Click for more!" button.


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Thomas Timothé Behncke

Managing Partner
* Mandatory Field

  • With our proactive AI-supported Recruiting 5.0 we address candidates who are looking for a new challenge in the relevant media both actively and passively or latently, who signal relatively high interest in career opportunities on Internet portals or by registering in databases, or who are known to our consultants through personal contacts.
  • We develop a search strategy for our clients that is tailored to their goals and requirements with a target group-specific mix of coordinated search methods, tools and channels for approaching candidates.
  • As search methods we use job advertisements (Media Search), search and approach in social networks or on other online portals (Web & Social Media Search), as well as the direct approach (Direct Search) in industry networks, internal & external databases or recommendations of personal contacts. We also check the fit with the hand-picked top candidates in our exclusive Candidate Pool.

  • In search projects in which we use our AI-supported Recruiting 5.0, we already achieve high response rates and suitable candidate profiles quickly and efficiently, so that more complex and cost-intensive search methods in the honest and trustworthy manner that distinguishes us from other competitors are often not necessary.
  • In Recruiting 5.0, key topics include active sourcing and the associated multitude of sources, the frequently changing framework conditions, and the stimulus satiation on the candidate side. Important performance indicators (KPIs) for our systematic approach are the number and percentage of candidates in the Ident and Response depending on industry, function, region and demographic change. Essential is a target group specific as well as professional identification and communication with top candidates at eye level, so that we take over for our clients up to an individual inbound sourcing.
  • The strength of our Recruiting 5.0 results primarily from targeted addressing (matching) with high reach, individual and marketing optimised job advertisements, media analyses, as well as cost and time savings in the entire recruitment process up to successful filling.

Our AI-supported INSEMACO® Recruiting Process is a holistic approach with 7 defined sub-processes based on best practices and the latest scientific findings in the areas of media, direct as well as web and social media search, selection procedures and personnel consulting.


1. Briefing, Analysis & Search Strategy

2. Recruiting 5.0 (Search Strategy/Method)

3. Consultant Interviews

4. Candidate Profiles/Reports

5. Candidate Presentation

6. References & Suitability Diagnostics

7. Final Selection, Completion & Follow-up


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