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Take your chances!

GUIDING IDEA on the Personality-Sphere

Every morning you have the choice: still continue to sleep with beautiful goals, wishes & dreams or to get up and let them become your reality, taking into account sustainable intergenerational framework conditions. Take your chances!


What are your dreams, wishes & goals? Life is ephemeral.

The longer you wait, the more you naturally have to consider your physical & mental energy, as well as

realistically accept that one or the other wish is no longer feasible for you due to your advanced age.


For this reason, do not dream too long if something is really important to you, so that you don‘t have to regret something later in your life.


Distinguish between professional & private dreams.


World trip, sabbatical, etc. for which you often have to create the financial conditions in particular.



A degree, further education, a certain career stage, turning a hobby into a profession, becoming self-employed or an entrepreneur (start-up with employees), etc.


As long as you are single without family & children, you can decide alone. As soon as you have family responsibilities or similar, your decision should be supported by those closest to you.


Realistic & pragmatic

To achieve professional (and complex private) goals, you should consider 2 aspects:



Your wish or dream should be linked to a goal that meets all the criteria of the SMARTER method or similar, so that you are most likely to achieve your goal: Specific, Measurable, Attractive, Realistic, Time-bound, Ecological & Resourced.

Check whether your goal fits your Skills, Values & attitudes, Motives and your 6 human life domains.

Create ‒ especially as entrepreneur etc. ‒ a business plan (strategy, goals, measures, organisation, financial plan, Cash flow, income statement, etc.)

Systematically implement the defined measures step by step until the goal is reached.

Use methods such as time management, project management, forecasting etc.

Be open to goal & measure adjustments esp. due to the complexity & dynamics of today's world.



Be willing to compromise, creative & realistic (not a fantasist).

Decide (concrete goal, measures, etc.).

Live in the now and the time horizon of the goal.

Every journey begins with the first step.

Take the initiative.

Don't put anything off.

Learn from mistakes or "defeats".

You need resilience.

Stay positive.

Believe in yourself (self-confidence & law of attraction).

Don't give up.

Visualise & achieve milestones, etc.

Involve confidants & experts if necessary.

Advice can be good or bad.

Celebrate your success!


 If you have considered all relevant aspects to the best of your ability and you can answer "yes" to all questions, what is stopping you from making your dream a reality?


The right moment is often "now"!


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Your personal Contact

Thomas Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner


If you have any questions or are looking for qualified support in the business fields HEADHUNTING, BUSINESS CONSULTING & INTERIM MANAGEMENT, HR CONSULTING/DEVELOPMENT or PERSONAL Expert & LEADER BRANDING, just send me a short message with the "Click for more!" button.


For further future-oriented information, thoughts & ideas please feel free to activate the “bell” at the top right of my LinkedIn-Profile.


On LinkedIn, I share about 2 to 3 posts a week on current topics.




Thomas Timothé Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner
* Mandatory Field

For reasons of better legibility, the simultaneous use of gender-specific language forms is dispensed with.


Your Key Contact for concrete
answers & solutions!
